
“The emancipation proclamation claims we’re all of God’s creation
So why does systemic discrimination still link racism and hatred?”
Silence is not the answer
Equality is not the solution
To those who say the issue has been resolved…
Over??? Justice is not equality.
Black rights need to be addressed directly
The “colour-blind” remain ignorant to the issues at hand.
First they burned civilizations and stole culture, pride.
Colonization to dehumanization to racism to slavery, straight to ghettos
“There could never be justice on stolen land” A system set up to support a white people. The white man built it out of their soil and blood.
Those who question the reality of their privilege as it sits under their nose….and turn to say “I don’t see the issue”…
You are apart of the issue.  They have never had to deal with the issue at hand because the issue itself benefits them.
The West recycles hatred
And dumps it’s waste by the East
A country that thrives off of oppression
And brands it as tradition
If you get an uncomfortable itch when you hear the words “white privilege”….you may be apart of the problem.  I dont care if I’ve exhausted the term. Truth is, so many people think nothing is wrong
And I cant believe it…..
Have you noticed that this has been going on for just about…forever?
And that it is only noted now?
Why is it that black suffrage is trending only now?
Take a look at cinema, media, the news alone….
And the west gets twisted pleasure out of this…they make MONEY off of this
Black lives have been taken for granted since America has been America.
This is the Amercian way. And you can’t fight the foundation.

– Eyeda Sophia

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